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LGBTQ+ and Health Advocates Urge Court of Appeals to Affirm Ruling Striking Down Florida’s Anti-Transgender Medicaid Ban
Simone Chriss, Director of the Transgender Rights Initiative at Southern Legal Counsel: “The extensive factual record in this case speaks for itself, and we believe that this Court will see the State’s politically motivated endeavor for what it is: a cruel attempt to strip healthcare from marginalized people without justification.”
Advocacy Groups File Lawsuit Challenging St. Johns County Ordinance that Criminalizes Requests for Help
Florida-based legal aid organizations today filed a federal lawsuit challenging a St. Johns County ordinance passed in May 2023 in an effort to stop panhandling.
Florida Families File Brief Against Arbitrary Ban on Healthcare for Transgender Youth
“As a parent, it is heartbreaking to see my right to make healthcare decisions for my child taken away by political bullies, and the hurt and harm that has caused my child.”
Medicaid enrollees sue Florida for mismanagement of the Long Term Care Waiver Program, citing barriers to essential services
The suit claims that that the state’s management of its Medicaid Long Term Care (LTC) Waiver program violates the U.S. Constitution, the Medicaid Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
ACLU of Florida and Southern Legal Counsel File Lawsuit to Stop State of Florida’s Unconstitutional Misinformation Campaign Against Amendment 4
Lawsuit was filed in response to a state-funded website dedicated to interfering with the vote on the citizen-led initiative to limit government interference with abortion.
Eleventh Circuit reinstates ban on access to gender-affirming care
In 2-1 ruling, 11th Circuit Allows Florida Transgender Health Ban to Take Effect Pending Action on State’s Appeal of Decision Blocking the Law
Judge rules that challenge to Florida’s teacher pronoun restrictions can go forward
Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker on July 10 denied a motion to dismiss a lawsuit challenging a Florida statute that bars transgender and nonbinary teachers from using titles and pronouns that express their gender identities and threatens to decertify and fire teachers who do so.
Judge rules Daytona Beach ordinance criminalizing requests for help is unconstitutional, blocks its enforcement
DAYTONA BEACH, FL – U.S. District Judge Wendy Berger ruled July 18 that a Daytona Beach ordinance that criminalizes requests for donations under certain circumstances and in certain public spaces is unconstitutional. Berger’s order permanently blocks Daytona Beach from enforcing the ordinance and sets a damages trial for Sept. 16.
We will continue to fight for humane solutions to homelessness despite SCOTUS ruling
Criminalizing homelessness can cause a destabilizing cascade of harm. Rather than helping people to regain housing, obtain employment, or access needed treatment and services, criminalization creates a costly revolving door that circulates individuals experiencing homelessness from the street to the criminal justice system and back. - Justice Sotomayor’s dissent
The judge made it clear that no one will be sentenced to jail for municipal ordinance violations anymore unless the city provides them with counsel.