REGISTER TODAY: Pride Month 2023 - Free Legal Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic on October 25th
WHAT: A free legal name and gender marker change clinic for transgender Floridians
WHERE: The clinic will take place over Zoom, to ensure accessibility for those in need of assistance statewide
WHEN: October 25, 2023 from 6:00-8:00pm
HOW: Register today using our online Registration Form (*registration is required* - you must register prior to October 16th)
Southern Legal Counsel’s Transgender Rights Initiative, in collaboration with León Cosgrove Jiménez, LLP and Greenberg Traurig, P.A., have partnered to provide another free Zoom clinic to assist transgender adults, and parents of transgender minors, with navigating the process of obtaining a court ordered legal name change in Florida, and the subsequent processes of amending the legal name and gender marker on government-issued identification documents.
The legal name change process in Florida is a “pro se” process, which means you do not need a lawyer to represent you and you can complete the proceeding yourself. However, some folks find that it can be daunting to locate and complete the required paperwork on their own, and often have questions about the steps of the process for obtaining a court ordered legal name change. For this reason, we hold free legal name change clinics where you are guided through the process, and we provided the following assistance:
(1) Receiving the packet. After you complete the registration form, we will send you a complete and accurate packet of forms via mail or email prior to the clinic (because the forms that are required differ based on your county of residence and whether you are seeking the legal name change for yourself as an adult or for your minor child, we ask for this information in the registration form to ensure you have everything you need);
(2) Learning the process. During the Zoom clinic, you will receive an overview of the process in a presentation by SLC attorney Simone Chriss, Director of the Trans Rights Initiative. This will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to complete the legal name change process and to amend your name and gender marker on your government-issued identification documents after you complete the legal name change (including Social Security record, driver’s license, Florida birth certificate, and U.S. Passport, among others).
(3) Forms workshop. You will then be placed in breakout rooms with pro bono attorneys who will guide you through how to fill out all of the forms in your packet, and will answer any questions you may have. When you leave the clinic, you will be ready to file your forms and initiate the legal name change process! You will also walk away with the knowledge and resources to complete the other steps in the process of changing your legal name and gender marker on your identification documents.
Register today by filling out the Registration Form - pre registration is required prior to October 16, 2023 so that we can ensure you receive the correct packet of forms specific to your needs prior to the clinic.
This clinic is for Florida residents only.
The clinic will provide guidance on the processes for both adult name changes (for transgender individuals over 18 years of age) and minor name changes (for parents or legal guardians seeking to change the name of their transgender child who is under 18 years of age).
If you know folks who would be interested in attending this free virtual name change clinic, you can share the clinic flyer (as shown below), which includes the hyperlink for registration, using this link: October 25, 2023 Name Change Clinic Flyer
Link to Flyer: October 25, 2023 Name Change Clinic Flyer