We use the power of the law to obtain positive social change, reform systems and institutions, strike down unjust laws and policies, and hold government accountable to the people. Our mission is to represent individuals with the goal of fixing the underlying problem not only for our clients but also for all other persons who have experienced similar injustices.
The scales of justice don’t balance themselves. Please consider donating so that we may be better prepared for the challenges of our work.
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SLC provides legal representation in civil legal matters such as education advocacy, disability issues, LGBTQ+ equality, rights of people experiencing homelessness, and other civil rights. We primarily represent low income people.
We welcome pro bono attorneys, law students, and non law students to assist us. Your time and support provides excellent hands on experience and helps create meaningful systemic change.
statement from SLC’s trans rights director on the recent executive orders
Please share this statement with anyone who may benefit from clarity about the recent anti-trans executive orders and/or some words of hope and support from SLC's Trans Rights Director, Simone Chriss. You can download the PDF of the statement by visiting the link above or clicking on the photo.
The statement breaks down: (a) what Executive Orders are and how they function; (b) what each of the anti-trans executive orders issued thus far actually seeks to do; and (c) how we can continue to resist and support one another during this dark time in our nation's history, and assurances that we will not stop fighting for the rights of Florida's transgender community.⠀ ⠀
"To my transgender clients, colleagues, and friends:
In the face of efforts to erase, the greatest act of resistance is to exist. As a proud member of Florida's LGBTQ+ community, and as a civil rights attorney who has had the privilege and honor of fighting for the rights of transgender Floridians for nearly a decade, I promise you I am not going anywhere, and we will not stop holding the government accountable.
Florida has been ground zero for testing the very same anti-trans measures that the federal government now seeks to implement – we have lived through this, we have fought back, we have supported each other, we have survived, and we will continue to do so. ⠀ ⠀
In this country, there have always been, and will always be, those who want to impede the march towards justice and equality. There will always be those who, whether out of fear or greed or sheer bigotry, believe that basic human rights and dignity are only owed to some. And these people have always tried to exclude groups of people from the American promise of 'liberty and justice for all.' We have never let that stop us from marching forward, pushing America to live up to its ideals, and creating a more just and loving world. We are on the right side of history. Love, truth, decency, compassion, and equality will always trump hatred and bigotry." ⠀ ⠀
In solidarity, ⠀ ⠀
- Simone Chriss, Director of SLC's Trans Rights Initiative⠀
Click here to find the February 26, 2025 Statement from Simone Chriss, providing updates on the anti-trans actions being taken by the federal government.
“Right now, for many people, the courage to exist and to live authentically, is an act of resistance. For others, remaining vigilant and informed is an act of resistance. Refusing to succumb to hopelessness, fear, apathy, overwhelm, and the information overload that is designed to numb us and foster apathy is resisting.”
In solidarity, ⠀ ⠀
- Simone Chriss, Director of SLC's Trans Rights Initiative⠀
We know many members of the community have questions about what the federal government’s recent anti-trans measures, including the barrage of Executive Orders, mean and how they may impact you, your loved ones, and your community. That's why we're holding another COMMUNITY TOWN HALL on Thursday, March 13th at 6:00pm EST on Zoom. (We had more than 300 people register for our last Community Town Hall on February 10, 2025! Don’t miss out!)
We want to make sure every member of the community understand: (a) WHAT the cruel anti-trans federal government actions and Executive Orders mean and how they are being implemented; (b) the status of the legal challenges to these discriminatory measures; (c) and all the ways we can PROTECT our rights, DEFEND our freedoms and dignities, RESIST in the face of oppression, and SUPPORT each other as we navigate this dark and demoralizing time in our country's history.
Registration is required (for the safety of the presenter and participants) - upon completing a very quick registration form that is only accessible to SLC attorney Simone Chriss, you will receive the Zoom link to attend the Community Town Hall.
You can use the QR code on the flyer, or visit this link: https://forms.gle/caE1cpwdBamPkvDVA
Remember: Our existence, and our persistence, are acts of resistance. They want us to be confused, overwhelmed, divided and afraid. When we are informed and united, we take away much of their power.
Support SLC by rocking this shirt by Lisa Kay Designs! Shown here in purple, this shirt comes in 4 other colors, in a unisex cut with a generous fit. A portion of every sale will be donated directly to Southern Legal Counsel.
Get yours now: lisakaydesigns.com…
In pursuit of justice, SLC has pioneered innovative legal strategies that have broadly impacted the people of this state. Across SLC’s history, we have obtained precedential opinions in a variety of legal areas, including constitutional law, employment discrimination, special education, rights of homeless persons, and Sunshine laws. SLC influences the development of the law and paves the way for future civil rights plaintiffs.
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The benefits and services of Southern Legal Counsel, Inc. are provided without regard to race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability, age, sex, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital or family status. Southern Legal Counsel is firmly committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all aspects of employee relations, including employment, salary administration, employee development, promotion and transfer.